Nikky Lee : her passion for Canoe Polo is waterproof

Nikky Lee : her passion for Canoe Polo is waterproof

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Nikky Lee is the only female in Western Australia playing canoe polo at the international level. In 2012 for the world championship in Poznan (Poland) she accessed the podium with a bronze medal at the age of 22. Nikky is the perfect example of “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Her role in the water? Shift the crowd, discourage any tactics and mess with the attackers. Meeting with a petite lady who scares the big one.

Nikky Lee in the middle enjoys her bronze medal at Poznan in 2012. (Source photo: Nikky Lee)

Kayak-polo. info : What do you like about canoe polo?
Nikky Lee : I like it because it has different aspects. You have to know how to control the kayak, throw the ball, be aware of all the tactics. I guess if you have already played in basketball or soccer this can definitely help.

KPI : How you became involved in this sport?
NL : I used to do Taekwondo but I had issues with the ligaments in my knees. I was not able to do taekwondo and many other sports. In the meantime my cousin found canoe polo. He introduced my dad and my brother. And shortly they invited me to do the same. Actually it was perfect. Sat on the canoe didn’t need to use my knees. Canoe polo is a perfect balance for me.

KPI : How was your first training session?
NL : I sort of knew the basics, I was confortable in the canoe. The ball it’s another story. Throwing was definitely the thing I was needed to learn.

KPI : How long have you been playing with the other female canoe polo player?
NL : Officially since 2012 but I have been introduced to them before. I have been invited to join a training camp in 2009. I remember being really impressed by the talent and the technical level of the girls! That was very impressive.

KPI : What is the strongest and weakest part of the female canoe polo team?
NL : Mmh…I think the weakest part is our gap of experience in oversea competition, Australia is so far from Europe! However our strongest part is the link we have with each other. Since 2012 we are going along very well. Every girl has her strengths, her role in the team. Since Sarah retired (Ndlr: Sarah Heard was captain of the female canoe polo team for a while, she retired on 2013) from the international competition we will needed a bit of adjustment with the next captain which by the way not me! (Laugh) I don’t want those responsibilities. I am happy to just doing my job on the water which is enough!

KPI : You and the female canoe polo will not participate to the championship next September at Thury-Harcourt, why?
NL: Ah.. yeah.. It’s a bit difficult. Most part of the problem is the expenses to get to France. Some of the players can’t afford it. They have children or they are buying a house. We don’t have enough players; we need experienced players in our team because we just face a huge gap of skill and knowledge.

KPI : Do you reckon that if you guys were going to the world championship in September in France without Sarah you could still make it and be on the podium?
NL : No…No I don’t think so . Without Sarah we will probably finish in the top eight instead of the top five. I am obviously disappointed because we didn’t make it this year but to be honest our chance of winning is too small.

KPI : It hasn’t always be the case (*1), in 2012 for the world championship in Poznan, you guys won a medal. How was your feeling this very day?
NL : Oh that was fantastic! I mean I would never forget this day. I think I realised what happened when we were all in the podium and when the judge put the bronze medal around my neck. The photos this day are invaluable! The expression on our face it’s just priceless. It’s one of the best achievement in my life. I would probably never obtain any medal like this with the Taekwondo (Laugh).

Nikky Lee (on the right) during the last world championships at Poznan
. (Picture by Nikky Lee)

KPI : What do you think about the men’s canoe polo team leading by Craig Hutchinson the captain?
NL : In 2012, they won the playoff. They lost by one goal I think it was against France. They finished in the top five, almost top three. This time I think they have a great chance to make it and win a medal. If they have to play against France I think it’s going to be really interesting to watch. They probably have a little revenge to take (laugh). But in canoe polo what happen in the water stay in the water.

KPI : The female are still not well represented in canoe polo, do you think this could change(*1)?
NL: Since I started in 2006, I saw the number of female players increase, especially in 2009 there was a big push. It’s getting slow now but we still attract new players every year. Canoe polo just needs more time in Australia to be well known. I am sure in five years from now we will count almost 100 female players in Australia!

KPI : How you manage a full time job and the training required for canoe polo?
NL: When I was in uni it was fine. It was easy to have spare time. I have been graduate in 2010 just after I decided to go for eight months training in Adelaide. That was nice pretty much all my day were dedicated to canoe polo. Then I get back to Perth to find a job. I started for few months as an office worker. I hated it. In 2012 I found a job in a university as a publisher and event manager. I love this position. My employer is really flexible and understands that I have obligations with the canoe polo (training, trips…). But it’s true that with a full time job its not that easy, not all employers are nice and understanding!

KPI : Talking about training, you are the only lady in canoe polo competing in international level. It must be hard to motivate yourself when you are on your own for training, how you deal with this?
NL : Ah, ah.. (laugh). Yeah it’ s very difficult but when you are passionate you just go with it… In 2010 and 2011 I was training with a friend that was really good but at the end she has chosen sprint (*2). I have one training session per week with the members of my club. You know even if I am training with players who hasn’t the same level as me it’s still good. It keep me in shape as the fitness is really important. So usually when I am the pool I am focusing on technic and tactics. When I am training on the river I focus on the fitness.

KPI : Does it not motivate you to move in Adelaide, Melbourne or Sydney to join the other members of your team?
NL: Oh yeah.. .That would be great and much easier but I am not sure if I will be able to find a position like I have. It’s hard, the job market is not that good especially in my field.

KPI : You mentioned earlier that canoe polo generates a lot of personal expenses. Does it mean that you pay for everything: equipment (*4), tickets for your trips, accommodation…?
NL : Yeah…pretty much. The Australian Canoeing doesn’t help us. They focus on slalom, descent or sprint. So yeah for any competition I pay the tickets. I bought a new boat about three years ago…Usually we try to make sure that we can sleep in the houses of our mates if the competition is in Adelaide, Melbourne or Sydney for not paying any hostel fees.
However we are not totally on our own. In 2010 and 2012 the Australian team has received a big sponsorship from the city of Saint-Omer in Normandy. We were given free accommodation, food and access to their local canoe polo club training venue for a week in the lead up of the World Championships in Milan and in Poznan. I also received a donation from the Perth Canoe Polo Club, which helped with the travel costs in Poznan. Apart from them nothing. I would like to save money to go on holidays and plan personal projects but I can’t . All my money goes to canoe polo. I was lucky last year, I received a tax rebate so I had a bit of holiday, that was nice! (laugh).

KPI : Canoe polo is not as famous in Australia as Cricket, Rugby or Footy, why?
NL : Mmh… There is few reasons I suppose. The first one might be the fact that the kids in Australia are not exposed to this sport. For example in New Zeland there are schools which propose canoe polo for P.E not rugby! (laugh) In New Zeland it’s not rare to see this. So I think we should start like that and let the kids be aware that canoe polo it’s a sport which actually exist! The other problem is when you want to progress to a higher level, the gear is expensive… As well it might be the fact that Australia is so far from Europe and we can’t be involved in as much competition as we should. In the summer there are events pretty much every weekend. And maybe because it’s not that easy to become a canoe player. You need to deal with the canoe and the ball. Not everybody can do it I guess. A lot of people might not feel comfortable in the water, this is an important point I think.

KPI : Do you think than canoe polo will be one day part of the Olympics?
NL : It would be nice if it was (laugh). At this stage we just need to grow a little bit more. We need money and sponsors. I think that we have given up the sponsorship. We need the Australian canoeing to do it for us. It took a lot of time to research sponsor… We can start some fundraising event as well that would help.
The good new point is that USA are now involved in canoe polo. They are not very good but they have the money. So I guess as soon that they will get better they will find sponsors and promote our sport. It’s exactly what we want! So yeah I think it’s possible! (laugh)

KPI : What do you think about the French womens team, do they have a chance of a medal in the World Championships next September in France?
NL : Quick is that they are! One of the fastest team in the world I think. They are always on the top five or three. They have a good technics. It’s funny now I can pick some words they say when they play. So I can kind of guess what they are up to like : “aller, aller” which means “go” I think. We have this thing as well with the French team we used to say “j’aime le fromage” which means I like cheese. Thats our label! (laugh). It’s usually a tough game against the French but they are not the toughest…
At the moment it’s between UK and Germany. In Poznan we lost against Germany by one goal. It was one of the best games we played. We played as well against UK but we were already qualified so we didn’t put that much effort in and we lost, obviously. It’s definitely a team I would like to play against one more time…

KPI : Do you think that canoe polo has changed your life?
NL : Yes it has. It was the first thing I thought “oh my god you are good at this”. It keeps me healthy . I eat good food as well to keep me in shape. When you are playing a sport at this level it makes you mentally strong. I am used to receiving critics now and I try to make the most of it. This sport takes most of my personal time it’s almost impossible for me to be involved in a relationship. If I find someone he will need to be very open minded and understanding. Most of my friends are in Adelaide and are canoe polo players. I am not a party animal neither which is handy. Canoe polo has brought me so many good memories already. I have no regrets. I am looking forward to see where this sport will lead me in competition, maybe another medal… who knows?

Isabelle Robert

If you want more information about the women canoe polo training please contact Nikky at

(*1) In 2014 Australia count 65 female canoe players

(*2) 2010 world championships Milan, 5th place

2011 Oceanias 1st place
2012: Poznan championships 3
rd place
2013: Oceanias 1
st place and World Games Colombia 5th place
This are the best result the Australian women’s canoe polo team has had in over ten years!

(*3) The canoe has four distinguish specialty: sprint, slalom, descent and canoe polo. Only the first two are represented at the Olympics.

(*4) This are the average prices for canoe polo gear:

– boat $2000
– Paddle $500
– Helmet $50-$100
– Jacket/PFD $70-$150 (a new one is given to use on tour)
– Spray deck: $100-$150 (sometimes this are given as part of a sponsorship)

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